18 July 2012

Superficial Gluteal Region Muscles

For students studying anatomy, don't forget the tensor fascia lata as well.
For non anatomy people, this is what I think your butt muscles look like.

*note I do not endorse sleeping or drawing pictures in class. Especially third year classes. 

27 June 2012

Lab Coat of 3rd Year B.Sc Biomed Major Student


After seeing the posts from Dr. Fizzy about her doctor white coats thought I would make my version.


Went through a mental breakdown about realising how distracted I truly go and pretty much cried my way through finals.

But I'm back home and recharged.

Hopefully posting regularly again.

Thanks to my friend Jordy for pointing out that this blog had experience some unloving for the past couple weeks.

12 April 2012

28 March 2012

blending in

A couple of my friends and I thought it would be fun to drop into an engineering lecture.
People weren't lying.
Engineer course lectures actually seriously look like this:

So being a group of girls it's not exactly easy to just blend in. Of course people are going to know you don't belong in that lecture. 

Contrary to my beliefs, this is not the best way to blend in. 

I believe those words were all very manish things to say .. . 

24 March 2012



Right now I'm probably,

a) wondering why it takes a whole page to say 'the bird flew across the sky' in poetry
b) trying to convince myself I have had a life experience that has to do with hope
c) thinking that there are people in med right now that probably couldn't solve these questions or
d) getting hella drunk

(depending on what time you are reading this on the 24 March 2012)

Thank you GAMSAT for making my Saturday absolutely wonderful.

21 March 2012

My Ideal Man

My parents often worry about my lack of having a boyfriend.

This is my dad talking about his friend's son while making dinner one night. His exclamation is based on the fact that I presumably like Korean boys and Japanese boys, and this son was both.

17 March 2012

Fixing Split Thongs

I don't remember where I got this from, but it was just too genius.

Life is never going to be the same..