10 January 2012

To the mole hole that is equipped with hopefully a kettle

I know that two posts is pretty pathetic, so you don't have to tell me. I  have decided to disappear completely for at least a month, hopefully until that horrid exam in March I have to ace so I can get into med school. Since I do want to ace it I'm going to have to climb out of this rabbit hole, stop looking for peter, think about things only science or humantities (as they call it) related and crawl into a place a lot less exciting like a mole hole thats under a rock and become an empty shell that drinks copius amounts of green tea. I promise that once I let myself free again there will be so many posts that the internet will cry and beg that I stop trashing it with my nonsense.

7 January 2012

I want to be the opportunist

I guess this is a little look into my head. Something similar to the last frame was posted by Typo on facebook and this post is pretty much what went on in my head. 







And this is what I did all night instead of studying for an exam. I really do need to find something better to do with my spare time, or just be motivated and do the work I'm supposed to do.

2 January 2012

The Bucket List. (assuming practically all life ends at age 30)

It's scary getting old. 

Not in that F UCK SHI T IS THAT A BANSHEE IN MY FACE WTF screaming way like in haunted houses (Don't kid yourself thinking you wouldn't be scared. I'm sure you were screaming on the inside). But more in that something that's been there for a while but for some reason you just suddenly realize its there, like creepy ass  man that has been walking with you from the train station 2 blocks back.
Like that, let's hope harmless, man that's been there for a while; aging has been going on in the background the whole time. It's just when the thought "oh god in a couple months I'm going to be in my twenties" goes through your head you really think OMG I'M OLD, I'm getting old and my life is nowhere as awesome as it should be and then you turn on the tv and see these people that have done whatever fabulous thing they have and they are younger than you.

So, with the it being a new year (Oh yeah by the way it's 2012 and I for one don't see the world ending. I'm still here, you know wishing I was more awesome.) I thought I would make up a bucket list. I thought I would be lenient for those sensitive people I know out there - everything actually goes down hill from 24 I heard - but since if I get my first point on the list done I won't graduate until around 25, 30 sounded a bit better. 

THE BUCKET LIST (assuming practically all life ends at age 30)

1.Get into Med School  
People seem to say that life gets harder when you start medicine, but for some reason I think life would get a whole lot easier once I get in. And you know, it would be nice to be able to get a job, other than research or teaching high school kids, after graduating my degree. As I see it, a science degree is about as useful as an arts degree the only difference is that we have to miserably suffer  A LOT more than those arts kids that go to uni like twice a week and cry over 20% weighted finals (what would you do with 60% weighted?).  
One of the many dynamics of life:

2. Play the Femme Fatale thing
What does this mean? I'm not that sure neither, but it does sound awesome. Maybe because it's in French; everything sounds better in French.

According to dictionary.com: 
Femme Fatale , noun, [fem fuh-tal, -tahl, fey-; Fr. fam fa-tal]:an irresistibly attractive woman, especially one who leads men into difficult, dangerous, or disastrous situations.   

I do like the sounds of irresistibly attractive and the words dangerous and disastrous sounds exciting. It does seem to pretty much sum up what I want be like in my 20s. If I'm not attractive now, looking at the life graph I don't even want to think what I'll end up being like - probably something hideous that has rolled in several different types of dirt, including the smelly kind.
Unfortunately, for me, this is going to be difficult because right now I can still pass as a child at the science museum (proof last holidays when I went to the one in Sydney) and I have the chest of a prepubescent boy that doesn't work out. 

If you know what happens in that arrow please leave me a comment below outlining SPECIFIC STEPS. 

3. Speak a European language fluently
Right now it seems like it's Spanish. My friends have convinced me that Barcelona is the place to go on that imaginary gap year (it'll become a real one when I get into med school). Yeah this kind of includes going to Europe - the best way to learn a language is to immerse yourself in it right?
4. Speak my own language fluently
As my mum says, "Stop thinking about trying to learn another language before you can even speak your own." Well then this goes true for both English and Korean. Most of my conversations kind of go like this.

5. Open a cafe
The cafes here are really disappointing. And since it doesn't look like a nice one is going to open soon - that serves BOTH green tea lattes and royal milk tea - I think I'll have to open my own. Actually I have ideas for multiple (ideas pop into my head before I go to sleep). The most recent one is called 'Cafe Franco'. I decided that my life role model was James Franco - why that is I could make a whole blog post about - which is why the name thing came up. So for a sneak peak I have my proposed mug design: 
You know so that when you drink it looks like:  

6. Write a book 
I'm thinking if Stephenie Myer could get twilight published it can't be that hard.
7. Meet THE man
I do plan to get married and then if I'm going to have kids have them before I'm 32 (I don't want to risk that whole old eggs so defected babies thing), so meeting the other half does seem quite important. Who is this man? No, it's not James Franco because he is too old. I have been told that my list is too long and impossible so I'll save that for a whole new post. 

Right I can’t think of anymore right now, and I really want to get this posted today so 

Happy New Year.