28 March 2012

blending in

A couple of my friends and I thought it would be fun to drop into an engineering lecture.
People weren't lying.
Engineer course lectures actually seriously look like this:

So being a group of girls it's not exactly easy to just blend in. Of course people are going to know you don't belong in that lecture. 

Contrary to my beliefs, this is not the best way to blend in. 

I believe those words were all very manish things to say .. . 

24 March 2012



Right now I'm probably,

a) wondering why it takes a whole page to say 'the bird flew across the sky' in poetry
b) trying to convince myself I have had a life experience that has to do with hope
c) thinking that there are people in med right now that probably couldn't solve these questions or
d) getting hella drunk

(depending on what time you are reading this on the 24 March 2012)

Thank you GAMSAT for making my Saturday absolutely wonderful.

21 March 2012

My Ideal Man

My parents often worry about my lack of having a boyfriend.

This is my dad talking about his friend's son while making dinner one night. His exclamation is based on the fact that I presumably like Korean boys and Japanese boys, and this son was both.

17 March 2012

Fixing Split Thongs

I don't remember where I got this from, but it was just too genius.

Life is never going to be the same..

14 March 2012

Looking 12

Some ways I've been ''complimented' for looking young.

7 March 2012

I don't want your boyfriend

During the final years of high school I moved to a different schools with three people from my previous school. Since it was a new school (we were the guinea pigs), everyone was the new kid; so it was nice to know a couple people. 

One guy, I rarely saw and pretty much didn't talk to. We had only one class together, which was the first and last. He seemed nice enough.

I got along with one of them pretty well since we had all the same classes, therefore the same timetable. He kind of became my walking timetable and homework diary for two years. We also coincidentally went to the same maths tutoring after school, so I saw a lot of this kid.

The last person, the other girl that moved with me, she just gave me the bitch face every time I tried to say hi to her. I wanted to be nice and since we all didn't know many people I cheerily said hi to her every time I saw her - until I decided that she had some unknown problem and I was too scared to keep talking to her willingly.

A year later (at graduation) I found out that when person 3 was going out with person 2 (this is in fresher year) there was a rumour that person 2 was cheating on her with me. Also I found out she went around telling people that she would kill me and other things. It wasn't my fault that the school gave us the exact same timetable, so yes I was seen talking to her then boyfriend pretty much all the time - ABOUT SURDS AND PHYSICS HOMEWORK. 

Just to straighten this out (extremely late); WOMAN I WOULDN'T TOUCH THAT BOY WITH A STICK. . .. .. .

we could have been friends. . . :(

2 March 2012


Since it's the first week of university (or week 7 if you are a med kid .. . SUCKER . .  .. . .  yes I'm actually jealous  of you . .. WHY WASN'T I SMART??) , I thought I would post a stress related post.

I sing a lot, anywhere and everywhere. Anything, but mostly about what I'm doing at the moment.
Can I sing well? That's debatable.

Anyway I realised that there is one song that I always sing when I'm stressed.

Yes it's the cottees cordial song.

It goes on ....

My mum knows that I 
Need lots of water
But it's Cottee's Cordial 
That I like best. 

So My mum 
Adds the fun
And the flavour
To make the cordial 
that I like best.

Kids need water
Cottee's makes it fun
She makes the cordial 
that I like best.

Did I just recite the lyrics of the cottee's cordial jingle? Yes I did. BAM
And I know you're singing it now as well . . .

probably not.